A Latin American Christmas


A Musical Pilgrimage to
Guatemala, Mexico, and Chile


Friday, December 13 | 7:30pm
St. Mary of the Lake Catholic Church

4220 N Sheridan Rd., Chicago (60613)

Saturday, December 14 | 7:30pm
St. Luke’s Episcopal Church

939 Hinman Ave., Evanston (60202)

Sunday, December 15 | 4:00pm
National Museum of Mexican Art

1852 W 19th St., Chicago (60608)


The Newberry Consort is once again excited to present its popular Latin American Christmas program in Chicago—this time featuring the music of Guatemala, Chile, Mexico, and beyond! Our musical Christmas pilgrimage takes us to Mexican convents, the Cathedral of Santiago, the secluded missions in the heart of the Guatemala mountains, and more. Celebrate the holiday with lively villancicos, ethereal sacred motets, and sparkling pastorales that herald the Latin-American Baroque.

Please join us for a pre-concert discussion panel led by musicologist Paul G. Feller-Simmons, whose research has informed this program—including some “new” Christmas music that may not have been heard for hundreds of years! Pre-concert discussions will begin one hour before each concert.

Please join us after these concerts for a reception to celebrate the holidays and learn about Newberry’s exciting plans for the coming year!

Meet the Artists