Arania, Orna

Orna Arania

Orna Arania performed extensively as a soloist with most of the leading orchestras in her nativecountry of Israel, and toured with various Israeli ensembles in Europe, Australia, New Zealand,Singapore, Canada, and the United States. Since arriving in the United States, she performed assoloist with orchestras such as Distinguished Concerts International Orchestra New York, ThePeninsula Music Festival Orchestra, Elgin Symphony, Lima Symphony, Illinois ValleySymphony, Callipygian Players, Ars Antigua, and more. She sings with leading ensembles inChicago, such as Bella Voce and Bella Voce Camerata, and was a singer and assistant conductorof The Lakeside Singers. In addition to performing the traditional Western classical repertoire,Orna researches, performs, and conducts Israeli and Jewish vocal and choral music.She earned her Masters and Doctor of Music degrees in Voice and Opera Performance fromNorthwestern University, and she is an associate professor of voice at Northern Illinois University.


Sandoval, Salomé


Stoppelenburg, Josefien