Koopman, Amanda

Amanda Koopman

Mezzo-Soprano Amanda Koopman is a singer and soloist in the Chicago area. Solo highlights include Bach B Minor mass with Bella Voce, the Mozart Requiem, Bach Magnificat and Cantata 80 with the Elgin Master Chorale, Purcell anthems and Bach Mass in F with Music of the Baroque, San Ignacio chamber opera at the Art Institute of Chicago, and a recital celebrating motherhood with the Musicians Club of Women and Northwestern. She has had the opportunity to perform a recital series in China, the country in which she grew up, on two occasions, in cities including Beijing, Shanghai, and Yan Cheng. She regularly appears with well-known performing groups such as Grant Park Chorus, Bella Voce, and Music of the Baroque. She graduated with her masters in vocal performance from Northwestern University.


Miranda, Eric


Hedegaard, Kirsten