Bregman, Adam

Adam Bregman

Adam Bregman plays historical trombones from every era and has appeared with such American and European ensembles as Ciaramella (Los Angeles), Oltremontano (Belgium), Piffaro, the Renaissance Band (Philadelphia), the Huelgas Ensemble (Belgium), and Capella Cracoviensis (Poland). As a teacher of early brass and historical performance practice, he has co-directed the Indiana Early Double Reed and Sackbut Workshop since 2013 and has taught live and online classes for the San Francisco Early Music Society since 2017. Adam is a PhD candidate in historical musicology at the University of Southern California and has presented his scholarship, which strives to bridge the gap between theoretical and practical aspects of late Medieval, Renaissance, and early Baroque music, at conferences in North America and Europe. His most recent work includes a collaboration on a forthcoming facsimile edition and study of Margaret of Austria’s basse danse manuscript (Alamire) and “The Hermaphroditic Nature of the Mi-Fa Complex,” a chapter in the forthcoming collection Explorations in Music and Esotericism (University of Rochester Press).


Kimball, Joan


Baxtresser, Bill