Guzmán, Andrés

Andrés Guzmán

Andrés Guzmán is a Colombian trombonist based in the city of Chicago. He was part of the well-known Ensemble "Ministriles de la Nueva Granada" who are among the first Colombian musicians who return to the sackbut within Sacred Music, after an absence of the instrument for more than 350 years in Colombia. With this, he intends to contribute to the rescue of Colombian and Latin American musical history as a patrimony of the musical and artistic memory of the Latin American peoples.

He has participated as a sackbut and modern trombone instructor in the renowned festival "Retomando Huella" in 2019 in Guatemala City in its fourth edition. He has performed as a section trombonist in the Bogota Philharmonic Orchestra, the Colombian National Symphony Orchestra and with the Nueva Filarmonía orchestra with which he won a Latin Grammy for best classical music album called “Regreso”. Andres was an instructor of modern Trombone at El Bosque University in the city of Bogotá and has served as supervisor of the Trombone Area in the social and musical project of the Bogotá Philharmonic Orchestra. In the United States he has participated as a Trombonist with the San Antonio (Texas) Opera and the South Dakota Symphony Orchestra.

Andrés is currently a Master's Student in Orchestral Studies at Roosevelt University 

and is taught by Jay Friedman, Principal Trombone of the Chicago Symphony


Berry Benson, Brandi


Monroe 2, Allison