Herreid, Priscilla
Priscilla Herreid

Priscilla Herreid plays period wind instruments with some of the finest ensembles in the US and abroad.
A longtime member of Piffaro the Renaissance Band, Priscilla is now their Artistic Director, having begun her leadership of the preeminent ensemble in the 2022-2023 season. Recent appearances include The Handel + Haydn Society, Philharmonia Baroque Orchestra, Tenet Vocal Artists, The Metropolitan Opera, The Newberry Consort, The Dark Horse Consort, The Sebastians, The Gabrieli Consort, and The Boston Early Music Festival Orchestra. Priscilla also accompanies silent films with Hesperus, sings the Latin Mass in New York City, and was part of the onstage band for Twelfth Night and Richard III on Broadway. Priscilla’s playing has been called “downright amazing” by The Philadelphia Inquirer, and The New York Times has praised her “soaring recorder, gorgeously played...”