Weston, Karin

Karin Weston

A cultural nomad, singer Karin Weston has never lived more than four years in one place, with stints in Pakistan, Singapore, Saudi Arabia, Washington, Delaware, California and Ohio.  These constant changes in her life have given her the opportunity to experience different modern cultures around the world, and similarly, medieval music provides an avenue for her to explore cultures of past.  In her approach to early music, Karin combines musicological scholarship with performance, an approach she bolstered while studying for her Masters in Historical Performance Practice at Case Western Reserve University.  Karin has been a voice student of Anne Harley, Dean Southern and Ellen Hargis, and currently studies with Anat Keidar.  In addition to her love of medieval music, Karin also sings music of the Renaissance and Baroque periods, and particularly enjoys performing historically staged baroque opera.  She has performed in productions of Handel’s Il Pastor Fido and John Gay’s The Beggar’s Opera at the Amherst Early Music Festival, as well as a production of L’Incoronazione di Poppea with the Haymarket Opera Company.  Karin was recently a Young Artist with the Boston Early Music Festival, understudying the role of Angelica in Steffani's Orlando Generoso.  In 2019, Karin won the Barbara Thornton Scholarship from Early Music America to pursue studies in medieval music in Italy and France.  Based in New York City, each Sunday Karin can be heard singing with the choir at Church of the Resurrection. Karin is a founding member of Trobár.


Vicens, Catalina


Black, Cynthia