Wilson, Steven

Steven Wilson

Oratorio tenor Steven Caldicott Wilson has been praised for his "limpid tenor, marked by wondrous phrasing and aching lyricism in Thy rebuke hath broken his heart" (Chicago Classical Review, Messiah, December 2022) and his his “powerful, polished and moving Evangelist" (New York Times, CPE Bach Matthew Passion, 2011). Earlier in 2024, he performed as soloist and ensemble member for Monteverdi’s Vespers of 1610 with Madison Bach Musicians and the Trinity Wall Street Choir NYC. In 2023, he returned to Carnegie Hall NYC to sing Messiah solos with Musica Sacra. Past appearances include Apollo’s Fire, Chatham Baroque, TENET Vocal Artists, Clarion Orchestra NYC, and multiple Evangelist roles and Bach cantata recitals with Trinity Baroque Orchestra in Montreal and NYC. From 2007 – 2012, he was a gentleman of the choir at St. Thomas 5th Avenue NYC under the direction of the late John Scott.

Mr. Wilson has been a member of New York Polyphony since 2011; the twice GRAMMY-nominated a cappella quartet is one of the foremost vocal chamber ensembles active today. Their innovative programming spans Gregorian chant to contemporary commissions, and their focus on familiar and rare works of the 12-17th centuries has helped bring early music to modern audiences. Steven has been a member of Boston's Handel + Haydn Society chorus since 2015, and is a tenured member of the Grant Park Music Festival chorus. A veteran of the United States Air Force Band Singing Sergeants (2001-2005), Steven is a graduate of Ithaca College (BM) and Yale University (MM). scwtenor.com


Kane, Andrew


Few, Evan