Acosta, Francy
Francy Acosta

Francy Acosta holds a D. M. A in Early Music from CWRU, where she studied performance practice with Ross Duffin andvoice with Ellen Hargis. She has a degree in Music Education from Universidad Pedagógica (Colombia) and an M.A. inMusic from UNH, where she studied voice and vocal pedagogy with Kathleen Wilson on a Fulbright scholarship. Hermain interests are the pre-classical Hispanic and Italian repertoires, which she performs with EnsAmble Ad-Hoc, andother Early Music groups. She has taught music history and voice both in Colombia and the US., at institutions thatinclude the Conservatory of the National University of Colombia, and the University of Chicago Graham School ofGeneral and Professional Studies. Ms Acosta is currently a faculty member at Merit School of Music. She has presentedher work at events in various Latin American and European countries, South Korea, and the US.