Collins, Keith
Keith Collins

C. Keith Collins occupies himself with the performance practice of historical woodwinds, and as such is adjunct lecturer in historical bassoon at Indiana University's Historical PerformanceInstitute. He has performed with many of North America’s leading early music ensembles, and in 2008 completed the first doctorate in historical bassoon performance at Indiana University's Jacobs School of Music. He is a founding member of Heartland Baroque, whose inaugural recording was released in the spring of 2021. Other musical interests include the early American banjo tradition, shape-note singing, Appalachian ballads, and the harp music of Ireland andHighland Scotland. When not practicing or making reeds Keith enjoys volunteering at IndianaRaptor Center, a hospital and conservation facility for birds of prey. He serves on the Board of Directors and gives educational presentations about raptor ecology and conservation to the public. He’s not supposed to have favorites, but Eastern screech owls are awesome.