Wiemken, Robert
Robert Wiemken

Bob Wiemken is a multi-instrumentalist, focusing on recorders and the double-reedinstruments of the Medieval through Baroque periods. Until his recent retirement, he wasfor 40 years Artistic Co-director of Piffaro, The Renaissance Band, with which ensemblehe toured through the United States, Canada, Europe and South America, performing atmany of the major early music festivals both in the US and abroad. He has performedwith numerous ensembles, including Early Music New York, the Grande Band, theBoston Early Music Festival Orchestra, the Folger Consort, King’s Noyse, Parthenia, theNewberry Consort and Brandywine Baroque, among others. He has recorded on theNewport Classics, Deutsche Grammophon/Archiv Produktion, Dorian, Eufoda,Parma/Navona, Passacaile and Wyndham Hill labels. He is also a reed maker of somenote. He has experimented extensively with reed styles for Renaissance and earlyBaroque instruments and provides historical reeds for professionals and amateurs alikethroughout the United States.