Podjasek, Brandon

Brandon Podjasek

Based out of Chicago, Brandon enjoys a wonderfully diverse career in percussion. He performs for Broadway in Chicago and the Paramount Theater, having done such shows as “Wicked”, “Mary Poppins”, “Beautiful”, and others. An established baroque musician, Brandon performs for The Haymarket Opera, The Bella Voce Sinfonia, Callipygian Players, and others. He’s appeared on television as a cast member of “The Big Leap” (2021, 20th Century Fox), and performed on PBS productions such as "A Christmas Carol: The Concert" (2013), "The 2015 Horatio Alger Awards", and “I am Ireland” (2020). Brandon has also done studio recording for the television show “Empire” (20th Century Fox).

 Brandon attended the Cleveland Institute of Music earning a Bachelor of Music in Timpani and Percussion. He is currently pursuing a master’s degree in Applied Music Pedagogy at Northeastern Illinois University.

 Brandon is on faculty at North Park University where he teaches “Applied Percussion” and is the “Director or Pep Bands”.


Berndt, Ryan


console, Lena