Monroe, Allison

Allison Monroe

Allison Monroe plays vielle and rebec; Renaissance, baroque, and classical violin and viola; and sings. Her performing credits include the Newberry Consort, Boston Camerata, Piffaro, Apollo’s Fire, Atlanta Baroque Orchestra, Les Délices, Indianapolis Baroque Orchestra, Seattle Baroque Orchestra, and Washington Bach Consort. She won Early Music America’s 2017 Barbara Thornton Memorial Scholarship. Allison co-founded and serves as Artistic Director for Trobár, a Cleveland-based medieval music band. With colleague Cynthia Black, she recorded an album of classical violin and viola duets. She was also the Artistic Director and a performer on Fair and Princely Branches, an album of music for the Jacobean princes, released in 2020. As a part-time Lecturer at Case Western Reserve University since 2018 (where she previously earned a DMA in Historical Performance Practice), she coaches the medieval and Renaissance ensembles, has directed the Baroque Orchestra, oversees the Kulas Instrument Collection, and teaches medieval performance practice.


console, Lena


Martinez, Nythia