Von Hoff, Paul
Paul Von Hoff

Paul Von Hoff is a trombonist and chamber music specialist who performs extensively on both historic and modern trombones. Paul is a founding member of the Gaudete Brass, a modern brass quintet founded in 2004 that has toured extensively, given
masterclasses at over forty colleges and universities such as Juilliard and Eastman, recorded four albums, most recently recording Chicago Moves and sevenfive for Cedille Records, and premiered over sixty new works.
Paul also specializes in performing music from the 16th and 17th centuries. He has performed and recorded with his own ensemble Rook where he plays baroque alto, tenor and bass trombones and Renaissance slide trumpet. Rook can be heard on its album eleven, featuring the unusual instrumental combination of violin, bass violin, harpsichord and trombone. Paul has also performed with early music with the Newberry Consort, Piffaro, Bella Voce, and recorded and performed with Three Notch’d
Road and The Wayward Sisters. His work on the Renaissance slide trumpet has been featured on the video podcast Rare and Strange Musical Instruments.
Paul is the trombone instructor at Carthage College and has served on the music faculty at Roosevelt University as artist-in-residence with the Gaudete Brass. Paul holds a Bachelors degree cum laude from Northwestern University and a Masters Degree from Roosevelt University and has studied historic trombone with Greg Ingles, as well as modern trombone with Frank Crisafulli, Lawrence Borden, and Jay Friedman. Recently Paul has coordinated live telematic performances of musicians playing together online from different locations using emerging networking technologies including a series of performances with Gaudete sponsored by a Digital Residency Grant from Chamber Music America.